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Microsoft boss names his toughest competitors
Exclusive interview with Bill Gates in c't 4/99

Hannover, February 12th, 1999 - In an exclusive interview with editors of the German computer magazine c't Microsoft boss Bill Gates let us have a look at the future strategy of his company and his personal estimation of the competition.

"I will tell you who are our competitors this year. The interesting thing is that our estimation of who are our most serious competitors has been changing the last years", explained Gates. "Today's competitors are Palm, Symbian, JavaOS, Linux and Solaris." It is also interesting to see which companies Gates does not look upon as competitors: IBM is no longer important; Larry Ellison and his concept of a network computer is somewhat ridiculous for Gates. Apple also is no longer a serious competitor.

Gates thinks however that Linux might be a serious alternative to Windows NT, an evaluation nobody expected still some time ago. Windows CE, Microsoft's operating system for handheld computers, also faces a good deal of problems regarding the PalmPilot and Symbian, the cooperation of Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson. Java, too, cannot be passed over by Microsoft. In addition Gates obviously evaluates the Solaris operating system of Sun company as threat to Windows NT.

The complete text of the interview with Bill Gates will be published in the current issue 4/99 of the computer magazine c't. The software mogul among other things answers questions about computers of the future, Microsoft's business philosophy, anti-trust proceedings and Windows 2000.

Call +49 51 39/999 250 (c't radio service)
for a radio spot concerning the interview
and extracts of the original interview between
Jürgen Kuri and Microsoft boss Bill Gates.

Jürgen Kuri - editorial office c't
Phone: +49 5 11/53 52-300
Fax: +49 5 11/53 52-417